The Humble Potato – Perfect for Valentines day!

January 28, 2016 Posted by David Linton

What more could you want for Valentines Day? A potato of course!

An American company Mystery Potato is now mailing out potatoes with special personalised messages for Valentines Day!

Choose from a great selection of the standard potato, the sweet potato, the baby potato and of course the red potato! And get thinking of your special message to write on it because you only have 100 characters.


#sackofpotatoes. Another day, another bag of potatoes gone.

A photo posted by Mystery Potato (@mymysterypotato) on

But why send a potato?

Well, according to Jeff Kelly and Jim Owens, the American businessmen behind Mystery Potato, ‘potatoes are simple and they bring joy and confusion like you would not believe.’

And ‘in these days of email, tweets, Snapchat, and Facebook messenger, sending someone something in the mail is starting to have a renewed power and impact….Potatoes are just the thing to send in the mail.’

And best of all, the sending is completely anonymous!

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