McDonald’s are now using 100% British potatoes

October 13, 2015 Posted by David Linton

McDonald's logo

Big news from the world of potatoes is that fast food giant McDonald’s is set to start sourcing potatoes from British farmers only.

It’s all part of the restaurant’s strategy to appeal to those customers who are more conscious about where their meals come from.

While the majority of potatoes used by Mcdonald’s are already supplied from Britain, the company currently source 13% from countries across Europe, including Germany.

Movement towards sourcing entirely in Britain has already begun, and will mean an extra £9m for the British potato industry, on top of the £70m McDonald’s currently spend with British farmers each year.

McDonald’s is one of the largest buyers of British potatoes, and the company expects to buy a quarter of a million tonnes of potatoes this year.

“A succession of wet harvests has caused the British potato sector great uncertainty in recent years, so I hope our long-term commitment to only source from this country will give farmers the confidence to innovate and invest for the future.”

Connor McVeigh, ‎supply chain director at McDonald’s UK.

This is no doubt an interesting step towards sustainability for one of the biggest fast food chains in the world, and we at FFF hope that this could eventually change the minds of many other fast food outlets too when it comes to buying British!

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