Farming Leaders Collide on Their Bikes

July 12, 2014 Posted by David Linton

Colin - Fylde Fresh and Fabulous

As new AHDB Chairman Peter Kendall began his Charity Bike Ride at NFU Northwest Regional Office, he had a rendezvous with Lancashire NFU Vice Chairman, Colin Bradley who was halfway through challenge riding from Land’s End to John ’O’ Groats.

FFF Director Colin, who until recently, sat on the board of the Potato Council used the trip as a way to promote British Potatoes.

“We used the ‘Powered By British Potato Shirt’ as our equivalent of a yellow jersey, so the stage winner everyday go the wear the ‘white jersey’ promoting British Potatoes” said Colin

Colin - Fylde Fresh and Fabulous

“We got enormous interest from the general public as we traveled through Britain and had many conversations about the nutritional benefits of the great British Potato.

Colin completed the journey in under 3 weeks , celebrating with some champagne and chips. “it was the food of choice !” 

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